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About Me

About Mandy 

Raised in the picturesque Scarborough Bluffs of Toronto, Ontario, I discovered my creative spirit early in life. I honed my artistic skills at Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts, followed by an undergraduate degree in Zoology with a minor in Studio Art at the University of Guelph. I furthered my passion for combining creativity and healing by completing a graduate program in Art Therapy, and I currently practice at Sit With Us Therapy Collective in Victoria, BC. Here, I specialize in using art to facilitate emotional regulation among individuals dealing with anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, and acquired brain injuries. My lifelong passions for the arts and wildlife are uniquely intertwined in my dual career, allowing me to express these interests in enriching and therapeutic ways.

As an artist, I specialize in acrylic paintings of wildlife, characterized by intricate and playful color palettes. My work is a dynamic celebration of colour, carefully chosen to bring each painting to life while reflecting the therapeutic principles of emotional expression and healing. Each piece invites joy and introspection, capturing wildlife's essence with vibrant, animated strokes that resonate with both art and wildlife lovers alike.

Each creation begins as a rough sketch and gradually evolves, gaining depth and complexity with each layer, yet retaining a hint of wildness—essential to the spirit of the subject. This process mirrors the therapeutic journey—starting raw and undefined, and slowly transforming into something more profound and impactful.

I delight in incorporating unexpected splashes of color that might catch the viewer's eye, hoping these elements elicit a smile, a curious tilt of the head, or a spark of joy. These moments of engagement are similar to therapeutic breakthroughs, where a single insight can illuminate a path forward. My ultimate goal as an artist and therapist is to create spaces—whether on canvas or in the therapy room—where individuals can pause, engage deeply, and find solace and joy. These moments of presence, I believe, are profoundly nourishing for the soul.


- Mandy